Here is the video from yesterday's puppy rescue.
PJ Doesn't Just Save Dogs

As we pulled into East St. Louis on Saturday, PJ said, "Oh, I thought that house was on fire, but I guess someone is just burning trash." Upon further inspection we both realized that the house was indeed on fire. As we pulled up to the house, PJ said that she thought that an older man lived there. I began to call 911 when we saw a fire truck a block away. "Oh thank goodness", we both exclaimed, as the fire truck went the wrong way. So, I called 911 and told them there was a house fire at 13th and Boismenue. She said that she already had fire trucks on the way. I told her that they made a wrong turn and the the fire was getting bigger.

We waited for about 10 minutes, all the while PJ was honking her horn to try to wake the man up if he was inside. The neighbor came out and told us that he definitely lives there still. PJ could not sit in the car any longer. At this point the fire had moved from the front and side porch to the inside of the house. We could feel the heat inside of the car. PJ ran out to knock on his window. She yelled, "Your house is on fire!", as an explosion sent her running back to the car. She could hear him making noise and yelling inside.

She hung up on me.
PJ and I pulled around to the other side of the house and thankfully the man somehow made it out. He was empty handed. Not able to grab any personal belongings. At this point the fire was so hot that we could not even stay parked in the street. I told the man he needed to move away from his house.
He turned to me and said with anger and fear, "I am homeless now!" His eyes were crazy with grief. I said, "I'm sorry." With all of that he actually turned to me and said, "That's okay." Almost as if he felt bad for yelling I'm homeless.
The fire trucks finally showed up about 20 minutes after my original phone call. They put the fire out in 3 minutes.

Had that 911 dispatcher listened to me in the first place this man would still have a home.
Had PJ not honked her horn incessantly and run up to the house to yell for the man, he may not have woken up to get out of his house.
It looked to us that since the fire was in two different spots on the house to begin with that someone had to of set it. If this man does not have home owners, I am sure there will be no investigation. He will be left with nothing.
I have a phone call into the fire station. I am going to try to find his information and see if we can't raise some money for this man. I don't want to put anything together unless I know for sure we will be able to find him.
Stay tuned.
UPDATE: News Channel 4 was investigating this and just notified me of the man's name. They spoke to him and he asked them to thank us, but did not want to give any further contact info. He said that PJ's horn did wake him. The Red Cross put him up in a motel. I am going to see if we can figure out some way to donate through the Red Cross if anyone is interested in giving a helping hand. Stay tuned again.
East St. louis,
Puppy Rescue

Today, Gateway Pet Guardians' volunteers ventured to East St. Louis to rescue a mama (Show Me) and puppies. We weren't sure exactly how many puppies there were. Show Me is the mom of the puppies that were rescued on last spring's Show Me St. Louis show. About 6 months ago, she started hanging out with Malcom across the street from AT&T. Shortly thereafter, Lloyd began hanging out with them as well. Sure enough, our little Show Me was pregnant AGAIN!
This morning, we loaded the trap and crate in the car and headed over with 2 other volunteers. We thought the rain may be an issue, but it cleared up just as we were ready to dive into the brush. After making our way through thick brush, around mounds of dumped tires and over barbed wire, we finally found what looked like beaver den, piles of strategically placed sticks and tree limbs. Show Me's bark showed us exactly where they were.
PJ finally found an opening in the limbs to investigate. After seaching on her hands and knees, she spotted a small white fluff ball.
I ran to the other side and was able to pull her out from under the sticks and limbs. One by one, we pulled the 6 puppies out from their wooden home. We were not 100% sure about how many puppies there were so we decided it would be best to leave Show Me behind today. PJ will track her for the next few days to be sure there are no more pups. If all clear, we will work on getting this little girl off the streets.
Now, on those puppies. There are 3 females and 3 males, and boy are they adorable. The more I look at the photos the more I see Mr. Lloyd in their little faces. (He has been checking on Show Me every day).
We are still working on naming each of them and still need fosters for all of them. They are approximately 4 weeks old.
Why do we rescue litters of puppies? Well, its simple really. Everyone wants a puppy! They are easier to foster and adopt out than adult dogs. We also want to rescue them while they are still (relatively) easy to catch. If they get too big, we have trouble catching them and then again, more females on the streets having more litters of puppies.
Please consider becoming a foster parent! Puppies get adopted quickly and are tons of fun to have around.
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