
Help Gateway Pet Guardians "win" $90,000!!

The "Gateway Girls" were with PJ last Thursday and we had just rescued "Casey the Cat".  After breathing huge sighs of relief, (which you will be able to hear on the audio in the next few days) we were gabbing.  We are girls after all.....Well, PJ's birthday came up and we discovered that it always gets "neglected".  She has one of those between Christmas and New Year's birthdays, December 28th to be exact.  And people are always doing their hustle and bustle during this time and PJ never really gets her 15 minutes.  Well, she is a major blessing to us and all of the animals and we don't want to see her get left out one more year.

We figured that she was worth at least $1.00 for every year of her life, right?  So she will be 56 this year and so we thought that would be a great number for a donation.  If everyone of our FaceBook fans gave $56.00 then we would have $92, 512 just like that.  But we only have a few weeks to do it!  We realize some of you may be out of work, etc...You can help too.  Please use your social media to pass this along to as many people as possible to help us reach our goal.  Some people could easily give more than the 56, maybe they want to give her 2 birthdays at once!  But we would like full participation so please give something.  Five dollars, ten dollars, whatever you can.  You see, you may think that such a small amount doesn't make any difference at all.  But it does.  If we all just do a little bit then we can move mountains, and that is just about the strength we need to help these homeless animals.  We CAN do this.  But we need you.  Why do we need $92, 512??  Our immediate goal is to build a shelter so we have a place to temporarily house animals.  Sometimes we have to pull a dog quickly because they need medical attention and we don't have anywhere to take them.  You can save their lives.  You can help us. Please make a donation.  Please SHARE!!

Click on the Paw on the left hand side of blog to donate via paypal
Email Here to get address or donate in another form (checks, cash, your trust fund :)
Click Here for our website and to see all available kids!

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